How Long Can A Car Be Left Alone For?

Whether you’re going on holiday, working remotely, or simply using public transport more often, you might find yourself leaving your car unused for an extended period. But how long can you safely leave your car unattended without risking damage? While most cars can handle being parked up for a few weeks, there are several factors […]

Should You SORN Your Car If Not Using It?

Owning a car comes with numerous responsibilities, one of which is deciding what to do with it when it’s not in regular use. In the UK, one option is to make a Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN). But what does it really mean to SORN your car, and when is it the right decision for […]

The importance of dehumidified storage

As the future becomes increasingly swamped with electric cars, classic cars will become far more distinguishable, treasured, and iconic. There is no prouder feeling than owning one. Just like a famous painting, classic cars need to be protected at all times, avoiding both harsh weather conditions and neglect. If a car is not in use, […]

Preparing for Long Term Car Storage

If you are facing circumstances that will require you to store your vehicle for a long period of time, there are several steps to preparing your vehicle. Long-term inactivity can seriously affect a car’s performance, engine, interior, and exterior, making that beauty you put into storage several months ago turn into something that is no […]

Dehumidified Car Storage

When it comes to storing your vehicle for long periods of time, you already know how important it is to make sure your car is prepared properly.  Once you have taken care of all the steps needed for safe car storage, you should also consider dehumidified car storage. While a heavy cover will protect your […]

Car Storage Tips

There may come a time when you need to store your car due to a lack of space, inability to drive, the purchase of a new vehicle, or due to the car’s age.  While you could just let the thing sit in your driveway, the reality is that this can cause serious damage to the […]

Benefits of Secure Car Storage

You were finally able to buy that vintage car you loved as a child, but now you do not have anywhere to put it. While it may be hard to part with your baby, there are many car storage options available.  However, not all storage units are created equal, which could result in damage to […]