There may come a time when you need to store your car due to a lack of space, inability to drive, the purchase of a new vehicle, or due to the car’s age. While you could just let the thing sit in your driveway, the reality is that this can cause serious damage to the vehicle over the long term. Cars are designed to be driven, but if that is not possible, these tips will help you use car storage, without causing unnecessary damage.
Indoor Car Storage
The best option when it comes to storing your car is to use indoor storage. This will protect the car from the sun, wind, rain, and snow, all of which can cause significant damage to a vehicle that is left outside. There are many options available in indoor car storage, with some of the providers even driving the vehicle periodically to protect against engine damage and other mechanical failure.
Prepare Your Vehicle
Once you have chosen a car storage facility, you will need to make sure that the vehicle is ready for storage. One of the most important preparations is to make sure that all necessary fluids are filled to the appropriate levels, including the gas tank. These fluids will protect the engine, and ensure that nothing ends up with corrosion damage. You should also put a fuel stabiliser in the gas tank to protect the fuel lines and prevent the gasoline from breaking down.
Prepare Rubber Elements
The tires and wipers of your car are susceptible to dry rotting and breakdown over time. In order to avoid this, you need to take the time to prepare these components for car storage. If possible, store your vehicle with it up on jack stands, and an extra ten pounds of air in the tires. This will ensure that the tires do not end up with flat spots.
You should also remove your wiper blades. Wipers that sit unused for long periods break down rather quickly. This breakdown can cause them to adhere to the windshield, and removing that rubber residue is not easy.
Remove the Battery
Car batteries, like all other batteries, will lose their charge over periods of sitting. Batteries are also known to corrode, so you should make sure to disconnect them prior to storage. Make sure to clean the terminals of any current corrosion to provide more protection.
Pest Protection
Once you have the car in storage, you will need to protect it from the pests and critters that might be around. You should block the tailpipe for cars that will not be driven or moved, and make sure all windows are closed securely. For added protection, sprinkle moth balls all the way around the vehicle to deter pests and insects.
Following these steps will help ensure that your car storage does not do unnecessary damage to your vehicle. While the car might require some maintenance after being stored for a long period of time, proper storage greatly reduces the chances for damage.